A few questions - planning ahead.

Liz R.
on 12/9/09 8:41 pm, edited 12/9/09 9:08 pm - Easton, PA
OK So I had my OB appt last night. I'll be 17 weeks on friday and she told me to start thinking about a few things.

1) Start researching pediatricians. Now I see a family practice for myself. Can't I just take the baby to the family practice with me or do I need a separate ped?

2) birthing class - she told me the schedule it now for around 30 weeks. Does that sound too early / too late?

3) Other classes - any you reccomend? Breastfeeding, Parenting etc? This is our first child.

4) registering - when did you start?

5) Anything else I should start working on now?

ETA 6) Daycare? I am probably going to have to put the baby in day care 2-3 days a week - should I start looking into them now too?

I did start painting the nursery. I have the base coat on it and after Christmas I'll start working on the mural. We are doing a "Coral  Reef" theme - think Finding Nemo
Thanks ladies!
on 12/9/09 8:56 pm - Gettysburg, PA

I go to a family practice. And my oldest boys have gone thier too since birth. By the time I had Riley, it was pushed to get her a ped. So I did. I hated it. Firstly, having her at a different office was just silly. they were always busy as hell. At 1 year old, I switched her to the same family practice as me and the older kids. And when Jantzen came, he joined us. We all have the same PCP. He knows us all. It's practical, he sees many children, he is detailed in all my visits. I like it much better. but to each his own.

That sounds about right for birthing classes. It was 12 years ago for me, but I am sure that about the stage I went for mine.

Breastfeeding classes may be a good idea if you are definately thinking about it. They are very informative. And can give you alot of resources for questions and concerns.

You can start registering whenever. The great thing with Target, Walmart and Babies R Us, is that you can add and edit online. So if you happen to get something early, remove it from the list. Or if you think of something else, you can add it. You don't have to necessarily give out the registry info yet. But it doesn't hurt to start on you list ahead of time.


When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Liz R.
on 12/9/09 9:07 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks Jo :) Maybe a few *ahem* friends wouldn't mind taking a look at my list when I make it to let me know if I have crap  I don't need on there or am forgetting something critical. lol

I like the idea of me and baby seeing the same Dr - I LOVE my PCP and it is convenient to work and home.
on 12/9/09 9:18 pm - weston, FL
1. yes you can take baby there... personally i went with the ped that saw my brothers and i when we were little... because.. yes i know this is not smart.. i hate going to the dr.. and usually wont go until its really urgent and at that point its to far gone for a normal primary

2. never went.. i thought it was a waste of time..

3. infant cpr

4. i dont remember

5. birth plan?... write it down to see if it looks good to you..but understand that it can all change..

6. ask around about them... i found it better for jayson to be in an inhome daycare... less kids.. more attention.. less cooties.. when he is 2ish .. i plan on putting him in a preschool. i will be doing the same thing with jaylyn
on 12/9/09 10:01 pm - Milford, ME
I think those are pretty great questions!!!

1.) I really don't have a clue but looks like you've got some answers already. I can tell you that I feel very comfortable having my son have his own special baby Dr. so I feel like every single thing that may need to be covered is and they won't miss anything as they see so many other babies. They are also on top of all the vaccinations and have all of the special baby meds, etc. that another type of Dr. may not have... just guessing at that however!

2.) I'm having my third baby and I never took any of these classes. My first came much sooner than expected so I ran out of time but had intended to. I actually really liked the outcome of not taking them because I had no pre-conceived notions in my head of how the process was supposed to go and I just listened to my nurses and Dr.s and did what they said. The result has been two very easy and quick deliveries! The only class I think I might consider now is the breast feeding class as I would like to try breast feeding with this baby!

3.) I think the infant CPR class is a great suggestion!

4.) You can get started anytime, it's fun to look and mark things down Nothing feels "finalized" anyways until you send out the notices in your shower invite. Until then you can play with it and put things on and take things off willy nilly so give it a go!

5.) Because I've had my babies abnormally early, I would just be prepared ahead of time for your hospital game plan. Like what you plan on bringing with you, how you plan on getting their, who you want in the room with you, do you want it video taped and by whom, etc. etc. etc. I can tell you it's a lot easier to make these decisions on spot if you've already thought about them. My first delivery was such a whirlwind at 32 weeks, my second at 36 weeks was so much more stress free as I had prepared!

6.)I would certainly start checking out daycares now, some can be really hard to get into so knowing this in advance could save you some major stress down the road. Plus, this will give you plenty of time to interview different daycares and get a feeling for someone you may "click" with!

***And can't wait to see pictures of the finished nursery! Sounds so neat!!!
on 12/9/09 10:51 pm
I can't believe how far along you are already! My pregnancy seems to be crawling. Anyway, I did take my daughter to a Ped. The office is a little crazy as it is a large practice, but I love the Dr. Also, they have 24 hr service which was helpful for those later spiking fevers and such. Not sure about a PCP, but I like the flexibility of the pedicatric clinic. I see an internist myself, and so does DH, so they don't really handle well baby stuff. I never did do birthing classes- Especially since my Mom has a masters in nursing specializing in labor and delivery and would be at my side the whole time- and I got an epidural so I didn't really need the pain management strategies as much. If you're going natural though I would highly recommend a good one. Breastfeeding might be a good one, and it's never too soon for parenting classes, although they may make more sense once the baby is here and you are essentially parenting. I recommend the Love and Logic series to my parenting clients which is usually available through community education programs, so it's often free or super cheap. It's a great way to start and I use the system more or less with my daughter- some variation is good. I hope you have it in PA- it uses consequences instead of harsh discipline. It's a great place to start. Register whenever! Especially since you may have more energy now than later. Most places give you a book that recommends what to register for so you don' forget something important, at least I know that Target and Babies R Us do. Daycares do often have waiting lists, especially because infants are required to have a hihg number of staff so the space is limited. I would start looking for sure. Good luck!

on 12/9/09 11:50 pm - Halsey, OR
 I love the pediatricians office for a child, things are child size for them and they don't have to go searching for smaller equipment, etc. The rooms are fun with stuff that entertains the kids rather than a boring white room and when you're waiting with a kid, that can make a difference. I would take as many classes as you can, I personally think you can't over prepare. Nothing will really get you ready for what it's going to be like, but the classes can give you information and strategies that can help you. Daycare was a really hard thing for me to find. I would totally start looking now. I went to several places and was like NO WAY! I couldn't believe people sent their children to many of these places. It took me forever to find one that was even acceptable to me. Now I have moved and am going to have to do that search again too, I'm so not looking forward to it. Oh and I love the Coral Reef theme, that sounds super cute!
Tami   "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13
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on 12/10/09 12:03 am - Gettysburg, PA
My family practice is fully capable of providing for infants and children. that's why they are a Family practice, not Adult medicine.

they have small chairs, small gowns, small equipment, etc. they are trained, and staffed and equipped to treat famies from ages newborn and up.

Just wanted to throw that out there so people don't think a family practice isn't properly prepared for infant care.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 12/10/09 12:00 am - Manahawkin, NJ
Hey Liz!

1.  I am taking my daughter to a ped. office.  They are an affiliation with a few Dr.'s.  It's where I went when I was a baby all they way up to high school graduation.  However my mom works at a family Dr. and they see babies all the time.  I personally prefer a ped. Dr.'s office because they can usually get the baby/child in the same day he/she is sick.

2.  I registered for birthing classes a few weeks ago, seems right on target.  I am also registering for breastfeeding classes soon.  They are offered through our hospital and seem like a good idea being I have no clue what to expect.

3. see above

4. I just registered when I found out the gender.  Since you are not finding out, now might be a good time.

O yea and daycare, people keep telling me to look into it now, even though I will be at home with her.  So I would look now too!

Finding nemo theme is too cute.  I couldn't resist, as soon as we found out GIRL we went Disney Princess themed all the way.  My sister is ordering bedding from the Disney store and the whole room is going to be pink and white.  It's soo exciting!!  We are starting to paint after the new year!!
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Lilypie - (vbmr)    Lilypie - (fb9N)
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                            ...september 17, 2007...
on 12/10/09 3:08 am - Big Lake, MN
1) I still haven't gotten a ped yet. I have been advised to but I have been too preoccupied. I should really do this!

2&3) My husband and I took a 5 wk (2.5hr) Preparing For Childbirth class starting at 32 weeks. It not only gave me a lot of info and peace of mind but also gave Matt a lot of info he never knew. We both feel so much more prepared for the birthing process and even taking care of a new born. I am also taking a breast feeding class next week. This is a one time class for 3 hrs. I really want to be successful at breast feeding so I hope this class can help w/ the odds of success!

4) I registered at about your stage. It's totally up to you tho! I do a lot of editing online! I did find out that if you register for Target online rather than going into the store the list will mainly have "online only" items which really sucks for your family and friends that want to shop for you at the store. We had to go into the store and update not too long ago.

5) I found that our nursery set is on back order so give yourself some extra time if you are ordering it online or thru a catalog.

6) We got our daycare in order by about 20 weeks because I was so worried about it. I'm sure you don't have to start quite that early. I found a lot of places wouldn't hold a spot that long or had no idea if they would have an opening when I would need them. I just got a good list of options together so I could call them later on in my pregnancy just to ease my mind a bit but I did end up finding someone.

Cute idea for the nursery! That is going to look adorable! I am so happy for you guys!!


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